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“A geolocated, living Wikipedia in your pocket, and so much more…”

I love Wikipedia and Commons, and to me, it’s the modern version of the library of Alexandria and a huge contribution to the world.

Especially I love the Wikimedia Foundations’ mission:
“Imagine a world, …in which all people can participate in the knowledge of mankind, using and increasing it.”

That is my mission too, but the range, that I connect with this statement, is much higher then the Wikimedia Foundation had ever imagined.

For now, we are a small team, working on a project named Cloud.Atlas.
There are coding/developing volunteers from Code For Social Good available and a professional web developer also works for us.

The later seasons are based on a  Google Earth like globe and Wikipedia, but developed in the game development environment Unreal Engine 5.


Our goal is a living, digital twin of the real world, working seamlessly between your phone, tablet, PC browser, TV and finally for VR and the soon coming wave of AR devices, making you able to even walk through an interactive Wikipedia.

Imagine a full-scale, high-fidelity virtual globe, with space-to-ground accuracy, and with the Wikipedia articles integrated, but the articles visualized as landscapes, vegetations, rivers, waterfalls and running around animals and moving objects and with a set of features integrated, providing a social and sustainable impact on the real world.

The Cloud.Atlas is first, based on a highly scalable Geographic Information System (GIS), that is not only limited to only one specific maps provider, but using all free and commercial providers of maps, 3D tiles, elevation data and 3D buildings existing today and/or upcoming in the future, depending on the user’s individual needs, and it’s open-source and developed by a large community.

And second, the Cloud Atlas is based on the greatest, multilingual, open-collaborative and community-driven online encyclopedia, the well-known Wikipedia.

But that is just the beginning, our so-called Metaverse:

The creation of the Cloud.Atlas is split into ten seasons and every new feature will be a finely tuned extension of the feature before.
Kind of a Minimum Viable Product in a Minimum Viable Product in a Minimum Viable Product…

“We are convinced, that it takes the concentrated expertise of all sectors of civil society and business to find the best solutions…”

In a 2017 held TED Talk, Dr. Seren Dalkiran said: “There are right now at least 1.000.000 initiatives in the world working towards social and sustainable development sector-wide. This is the largest social and sustainable movement of all times, but it’s fragmented and decentralized, it has no leader, no name, no location and the question is, how do we bring these capacities together, to enhance visibility and facilitate intergenerational, synergized collaboration…”


Already inspired by her words, it came to my mind that besides the non-profits and institutions, there are millions of businesses and specialists solving problems for profit and there are even more millions of individuals, who want to do good, but experiencing the same fragmentation and have to solve problems on their own, or worst, their voices and actions are not even ever heard or seen…


This was my starting signal for developing a platform, that addresses and tackles exactly these issues…


In Season 1, we will add features to the globe, to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals together, gamified for the users*, but providing scalable real-world impact.
*users can be individuals, non-profit and for-profit representatives, institutional and governmental entities

Upcoming features in this season are the so-called ‘Tools for Change’:

‘Social Time’ (local and global volunteering opportunities)
‘Competence Community’ (Online and VR Brainstormings)
‘P2P for Good’ (Peer-2-peer organized volunteering opportunities)
‘Petitions for Good’ (Solution Oriented Online Petitions)
‘Crowdfund for Good’ (Solution Based Crowdfundings)
‘Mission TV’ (Live streamings of ‘Social Time’, ‘P2P for Good’ and successfully finished ‘Crowdfund for Good’ campaigns with donation options and integrated live-chat, so that viewers become a part of the show…)

We will further connect lifelong learning, purpose, collaboration, social and sustainable impact, and doing good, with fun, entertainment, traveling, and earning money to sustain your livelihood…

The power of a decentralized Google Maps Platform for your next cross-plattform non-profit app/website/business

While working on the classic Starter Kit for the developer and entrepreneur community (Jamstack, code on Github, react front-end on CDN, API vserver as back-end), I’m developing a DAPP-PWA-SPA-LOGIN-MAINSCREEN-MENU-Starter-Kit to your command.

A dapp is a decentralized app, where the back-end will run client-side, split Peer-to-Peer on your app’s users devices and partly on the Ethereum blockchain, but i am actually having an eye on Solana.

CLOUD.ATLAS, my own dapp (under development), basing on the PWA-SPA-LOGIN-MAINSCREEN-MENU-Starter-Kit, will give access to a decentralized global tile server, for free access to map tiles for your location based apps and a Virtual Online Encyclopedia of a very special kind 😉 splitted on the app’s users devices and the blockchain.

The classic version runs for 10$ a month on 200 fast CDN servers worldwide, with estimated 2 billion API requests included

…you will need a tile-server or tile API provider on the long term (the actual API key is for evaluation)

The coming P2P version will run faster, more reliable, more democratic (Proof of Humanity) more privacy/data-security guaranteed by concept (even You can’t see your users data, like in classic), will handle traffic peaks (like in classic), scales itself, has no bandwidth limitation, and is free…

In Season 2, which will be running parallel in the background to Season 1, we will gamify the colonizing of the Cloud.Atlas with animated Wikipedia articles for the users and let the articles interact with each other and the users. Also in parallel, we will expand the 3D globe to a map of the known universe in Season 3.

Starting from Season 4, we will ad a new set of features to become an incubator, accelerator and marketplace for Sustainable and Circular Economy Products only.

If successful, from Season 5 we will start our own Internet of Things for Sustainable and Circular Economy Products only and work our way, community-developed as always, up to Season 6, where we introduce the Resource-based Economy concept and start dropping our surpluses into a financial asset to pay out everyone in need a global Unconditional Basic Income and hope to become a role model for other companies to follow our example, giving something back to the people who made their successes actually possible.

In turn, the more successful Missions, Petitions, Crowd-fundings, Livestreamings, Sustainable and Circular Economy Products and successfully reached SDG Goals, the more Unconditional Basic Income everyone will get.

Season 7 to Season 9
is not decided yet, but it’s about working backwards, putting the user even more into our center of the view.

Season 10 will be all about the finalization of the artificial general intelligence.

Looking forward to meeting you.

Bo Kowalczuk

“Let’s not wait for the government, we the people are the solution and can drive massive change. We’re talking about how we can move from rebellion to restoration.” Clare Dubois, Tree Sisters


…the Sustainable Development Goals, Global Human Rights “Enforcement”, Civil Rights, Animal Rights, Environmental Protection, Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Innovate, Historical Research, Scientific Research, Social Research, Circular Economy, Resource Based Economy, True Democracy, and a Global Unconditional Basic Income…





Massive Multiplayer Real-life Gaming…

…guided by the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS, connecting important local and global tasks with the natural play instinct and the profit oriented goals of existing corporations, companies and institutions.
Keyword: ‘Resource based economy’

Massive Multiplayer Real-life Gaming

Guided by the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS, connecting important local and global tasks with the natural play instinct and the profit oriented goals of existing corporations, companies and institutions.Keyword: ‘Resource based economy’


The first and only Sustainable Development Goals platform that puts Your motivation, ideas and solutions into action.

We will provide You with the tools to develop, petition or crowdfund and execute Your own solutions, guided by the Sustainable Development Goals, with a network of people who share Your interest.

While people watch, comment and back Your missions on Mission TV, with built in live chat, becoming a part of the show.

Cloud.Atlas is a digital government of the people, run by the people, for the people, which aims on a utopian world peace concept, namely “post-scarcity society” with today’s existing technologies, concepts, companies, scientific laws, legal laws, and at first glance contradictory levels of knowledge; interdisciplinary/antidisciplinary connected.


We will fully involve you into the platform evolution, season by season…

It will not depend on the developers and me.

It will depend on you!


We will fully involve you into the platform evolution, season by season…

It will not depend on the developers and me.

It will depend on you!