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Win-win is a belief in the Third Alternative. It’s not your way or my way; it’s a better way, a higher way. S. Covey

We are building the world's first Virtual Online Encyclopedia, but of a very special kind...

We are building the world's first Virtual Online Encyclopedia, but of a very special kind...

Cloud.Atlas is an open-collaborative encyclopedia, the well known Wikipedia, which is now visualized on a digital open-source twin of the real world, Cesium, the successor of the Google Earth Engine...

...and paired with a social network for the open-collaborative achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, the global establishment of Fundamental Rights (Magna Carta), and the global enforcement of The Human Rights.

While subtle teaching every user to become a data-scientist, and even a full blown artificial intelligence expert, to get everyone equipped for the coming high-tech century.

Cloud.Atlas is a desktop and mobile website, but designed as a client app with offline capabilities for the metaverse of a planetary, decentralized, collective computer.

The app gamifies and connects education, and lifelong learning, and social & sustainable impact, with entertainment, and traveling, and the monetization of doing good...

The Tools for Change is a social network, inside the Cloud.Atlas, to collectively brainstorm and execute solutions, in a crowd-sourced manner, in favor of:

The Sustainable Development Goals, Global Human Rights "Enforcement”, Civil Rights, Animal Rights, Environmental Protection, Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Innovate, Historical Research, Scientific Research, Social Research, Circular Economy, Resource Based Economy, True Democracy, and a Global Unconditional Basic Income.

“The Tools for Change are the prototype for the later interaction with the General AI. We will experience, that assemblies of "random" people are able to develop solutions to local and global issues, faster and more efficient then but in collaboration with today's administrations, with a set of tools that are just limited enough to avoid harm, but mighty enough to enable you to make a change with a group of people who share your interest. Kind of a decentralized, progressive-democracy/digital-government -app for a 21st century, smartphone addicted/dependent society…” BK

We will provide You with the tools to brainstorm, develop, petition and/or crowdfund and execute Your own social & sustainable solutions. Guided by the Sustainable Development Goals and The Human Rights, and with a network of people who will share Your interest.

While people watch, comment and back Your missions on MISSION TV, with built-in live chat, becoming a part of the show.

  • Meet like-minded people from different social circles who will share Your interest…

  • Get an easy entree into volunteering opportunities near You…

  • Brainstorm social & sustainable solutions online and virtual with individuals and non-profit, for-profit, and institutional representatives…

  • Host Peer-2-Peer organized SDG Action Events and transform Your crowd-sourced social & sustainable solutions into measurable actions…

  • Crowdsource solution-oriented petitions and solution-based crowdfundings…

  • Livestream Your ‘Social Time’, ‘P2P for Good’ events and successfully finished ‘Crowdfund for Good’ campaigns with donation options and built-in live-chat…

  • Become famous for doing good…

  • Get paid to help with the subject You love…

  • Become the hero of Your own story and the best version of Yourself…

These videos inspired the Tools for Change especially

Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Rewarding Disobedience

Eric Liu: Why ordinary people need to understand power

Joi Ito - Want to innovate? Become a now-ist